Sanctimonious Saturday – Resurgence

Good evening everybody!

I have to open this post with an amazing quote by an amazing friend of mine, Nick.

“I’m sure I could come up with some ideas, but that involves committing to committing and that’s quite a commitment”

Amazing! This is why we’re friends. An excellent quote for sure (just casually thrown out in conversation, too), and it also sums up this blog quite well. As it happens, we were talking at the time about our ambitions to write more stories, and get on with creating famous novels to-be.

Becky Entrance

The wonderful Becky Lynch. Dat style!

It’s been a long time since I posted, as I’m sure you’re all aware; you visit this page every day, right? Hah! Just kidding, why would you. I’ve had enough time to post, I just haven’t done so for whatever reason. Feeling down? Yeah. Entering pointless arguments online? You bet! What a silly way to spend my days.  Fortunately, I’m currently at summer school, studying semantics! It’s largely different to what I thought it’d be, but as I got 96% on my last assignment, I’d say it’s going fairly well. Anyway, that’s enough of an update on my life! On to more sanctimonious things…

This week, we discuss arguments. Something I really enjoy is debating. Thinking about stuff, finding arguments to support your opinion, and putting them forward. What I don’t enjoy is debating things with folks who aren’t quite clear on how to argue a point yet. Hell, I used to be that person, in high school. But I’ve learnt quite a bit since then, and discovered that you can’t make things personal if you’re trying to reason with someone. You gotta think about their opinion as though you don’t have one. Otherwise, you just end up hearing their point but not listening to it. It’s a shame, and a huge pain in the butt.

Nightmare Before Christmas Iconic

Alright, that’s my rant for today. There are some other important things to know:

  1. The new Star Wars movie is epic
  2. I need more Coheed and Cambria CDs
  3. I am missing three specific people at present. You could be one of them!

Lastly, here’s a pickup line for you to use today:

“You look like the type of woman/man who’s heard every line in the book. So what’s one more?”

(Thanks for the gift, Emily 🙂 )

Have good dreams,


P.S. Speaking of dreams, I had one where I was trying to build buildings with Weet-Bix. As if I needed more proof that I’m not a practical man.

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