Freedom Friday – Bo Burnham

Some days you need to laugh, even when it feels like you can’t. This post is already sounding pretty gloomy, and perhaps that is my mood today, but I should say the week has actually been really good, relatively speaking. More and more these days I’m finding that my own mood depends on my relationship with others, and I feel like multiple friendships have been strengthened this week. I don’t deliberately assess these things, it’s just a kind of vibe I get. Fuck, this paragraph has no structure. To summise: the week is good but the day is not, so I think it’s time to laugh.

So, that brings us to Freedom Friday, and it’s another stand up comedian for you, one Bo Burnham. He’s a younger guy, which is quite refreshing for a comedian, who are usually quite a bit older by the time they find mainstream success. As I understand it, this guy made it big from internet videos, and I would direct your attention towards his show “what.” which he has uploaded to YouTube so you can watch it free of charge. It’s not a traditional stand up show, but has some absolutely fantastic moments, and today I will post a video of a song from that show. I hope you laugh, but also note the serious switch he pulls about two thirds of the way through.

Be at peace,


Tantalizing Tuesday – Josh Holloway

I am loathe to do it, but I must start yet another blog post with “I’m back!”, because I’m terrible at posting on a frequent basis. To be fair, I have had the end of uni to deal with (for the year, anyway), and a bunch of other things weighing on me (as they always do… more on that later). I’ve had a few people pay me out for the lack of content lately, so here we go! I’m back, and hopefully will be able to deliver a little more.

Today’s theme is Tantalizing Tuesday, and I’m going with Josh Holloway, partly because I’m rewatching LOST. Man, I still love that show. I know, it got pretty crazy and raised too many questions as it went on, and some folks didn’t like the ending, but goddamn, I still enjoy it. I think mainly because of the characters; they’re well thought out and all have intriguing plotlines. My favourite character is easily Sawyer, mainly due to snappy one liners.

"I got enough food now to open my own chain of mini-marts. Hey, you think Sayid needs a job?"

“I got enough food now to open my own chain of mini-marts. Hey, you think Sayid needs a job?”

But also because he’s a fucking badass:


Sawyer man, he’s awesome. Josh Holloway is the man. Plus he has an awesome accent.

So anyway, Josh Holloway aside, what’s going on with me? Well, results from this year of uni aren’t out yet, but the smart money says I passed one paper and failed another. All good, I can do semantics in summer school. But summer school is two months away, and I had a friend today ask me what I was planning on doing for those two months. Annoyingly, I had no decent response for him, other than the cop out “work”. So right, that needs fixing. I had some vague ideas about how I was going to spend my time, but I think I need something a bit more definitive. Let’s attempt it:

1. Sort living arrangements – I need a flatmate, and also, a flat. I should have sorted this months ago but I got kind of used to being rich. Also, I was running from life as best I could, and putting off flatting was included in that. Stupid Meister. He’s a fool. Hate that guy.

2. Write – I had vaguely planned to do some writing, but I have no obvious goals. It’s hard, because some days I make a lot of progress and others I don’t. Goals are fine, but I can’t seem to force myself to write, and if I try, I end up wasting a lot of time. Nevertheless, it’s something I want to focus on as best I can, and I can’t forget that. I actually have made some really good progress in the last month, so I’m hoping to keep that going – or even improve it.

3. Resume playing the keyboard. Ugh, it sounds kind of lame, but I was teaching myself to play the keyboard/piano. Lessons are probably faster, but lessons don’t let you dive right into “The Sound of Silence”.

4. Routinely exercise. I won’t put “lose weight” although that is the eventual goal, but for now I think exercise is a good place to start. Or well, more exercise. Endorphins and that.

5. Find a social hobby that isn’t Dota 2 – I no longer have a hobby that includes other people in real life. I play games with many friends via the internet, and I love my internet friends very much, but people tell me that face to face interaction is good, so I guess I better look into that. Furthermore, my practical skillset in life kind of sucks, so maybe a hobby would be good in that respect as well.

6. Stop fucking up. Easier said that done. I just realised it’s my Mum’s birthday today (I’m writing this at 3:30am) and I don’t have a fucking present cos I meant to buy it today and bang forgot about it. That’s not going to be fun to explain in the morning.

So, there it is. A few goals I’ve set for myself, which is a start, anyway. Sorry about the tedious “Meister’s life” theme, but I feel like I gotta write this shizz somewhere. Thanks for making it this far!

And Happy Halloween.

And Happy Halloween.

Please take care,
