Tantalizing Tuesday – Lo Fi, Mo Po

You know, I think it’s time for a new theme. I reckon this intense blue has probably run its course – stay tuned for a fancier, more readable blog.

… I just need to figure out how to do that. Also, currently I’m trying to give credit or use creative commons to not break copyright, but does it matter if I’m not making money? I don’t know. Internet is tricky. (Edit: as I say this, I’m about to post a bunch of pics without credit. Sigh.)

Anyway, it’s Tantalizing Tuesday! I’m thinking about retiring these categories and just posting whatever I like, but I also kind of like them. Leave a comment or send me a message telling me to keep ’em or chuck ’em! In the meantime, I have two things to talk about today, and we’ll start with the most tantalizing…

Anime Window Crane Purple


There is something about this style of picture that invokes an odd kind of feeling in me. Is it melancholy? Reflection? It’s hard to say. It’s something about the lo fi, sitting in your room at night kind of aesthetic. I guess it’s kind of a lonely vibe, but there is something else there too. A pensive feeling? Yeah, I think “pensive” is probably the closest I’d get to describing this feeling. The pictures don’t even need to have a person in them:

Room at Night 1 Room at Night 2

I guess the blue/purple hue is fairly important though. If anyone else has similar pictures/wallpaper to the ones posted above, I’d love it if you could throw a message my way. I’ve collected a few but I’m on the hunt for more. I’ll take anything that has a messy or lived in room, but if there is a window in it, even better. It’s really hard to find them but “lo fi” seems to result in a few hits.

Snow Window

Okay, and now the other thing… something more positiveMo po. Ahem. Needed to make my title work, earlier. Okay it doesn’t work, but it’s the best I got. Anyway…

Two hours of teaching, four hours of tutorials, and one meeting down. It’s been a fairly long day of work, but a good one. I’m on my way out the door, feeling pretty good. I’m just leaving the office when one of my work colleagues comes in. He’s a man I greatly respect – he’s wonderful with the students and liked by all the staff. I ask him:

“Successful day?”

In my mind, this is fairly positive. I’m asking the guy about his day, but engineering it towards positivity. I’m feeling pretty good, after all, and I’m hoping he does too. However, he responds in a way I don’t expect:

“Mate, every time we reach the end of the day it’s successful. It doesn’t really matter how you get there, as long as you get there. That’s what life is – staying above ground for another day.”

Putting aside breaking laws and stuff, man, he’s right. Holy shit – I was thinking I was being positive, but that comment resonated with me and showed me a different perspective. It made me think about how my mindset still isn’t quite right. I can only hope to get to that level of positive thinking.


Stay above ground,
