Freedom Friday – Bo Burnham

Some days you need to laugh, even when it feels like you can’t. This post is already sounding pretty gloomy, and perhaps that is my mood today, but I should say the week has actually been really good, relatively speaking. More and more these days I’m finding that my own mood depends on my relationship with others, and I feel like multiple friendships have been strengthened this week. I don’t deliberately assess these things, it’s just a kind of vibe I get. Fuck, this paragraph has no structure. To summise: the week is good but the day is not, so I think it’s time to laugh.

So, that brings us to Freedom Friday, and it’s another stand up comedian for you, one Bo Burnham. He’s a younger guy, which is quite refreshing for a comedian, who are usually quite a bit older by the time they find mainstream success. As I understand it, this guy made it big from internet videos, and I would direct your attention towards his show “what.” which he has uploaded to YouTube so you can watch it free of charge. It’s not a traditional stand up show, but has some absolutely fantastic moments, and today I will post a video of a song from that show. I hope you laugh, but also note the serious switch he pulls about two thirds of the way through.

Be at peace,


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